An article examined the characteristics and attitudes of mixed-religion couples in Northern Ireland. The couples differed in their socio-demographic characteristics and in their attitudes from those who married within their own religion.
Source: Katrina Lloyd and Gillian Robinson, 'Intimate mixing – bridging the gap? Catholic-Protestant relationships in Northern Ireland', Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 34 Number 12
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Dec
An article examined the developing case law on religion or belief discrimination in the workplace. It focused on the so-called ?clash of rights? between religion or belief and other protected grounds. The desire to keep claims for religion or belief discrimination within reasonable bounds while maintaining apparent neutrality led to some danger of a distortion of equality law. The fundamental problem arose because of a confusion of a freedom guaranteed by human rights law with the need to protect individuals from less favourable treatment because of their membership of a group disadvantaged in the labour market.
Source: Gwyneth Pitt, 'Keeping the faith: trends and tensions in religion or belief discrimination', Industrial Law Journal, Volume 40 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Dec
A chapter in the 2011-12 British Social Attitudes Survey report examined public attitudes to religion. Half (50 per cent) of respondents did not regard themselves as belonging to a particular religion; and more than half (56 per cent) of those who belonged to or were brought up in a religion never attended religious services or meetings.
Source: Lucy Lee, 'Losing faith?' (in Alison Park, Elizabeth Clery, John Curtice, Miranda Phillips, and David Utting (eds.), British Social Attitudes 28: 2011-2012 Edition), SAGE Publications
Links: Chapter | BHA press release | Ekklesia press release
Date: 2011-Dec
A new book examined the outcome of a European Commission-funded project that addressed the question of how religions might contribute to dialogue or conflict in Europe. It considered how young Europeans of different religious, cultural, and political backgrounds could engage in dialogue in the context of the school.
Source: Robert Jackson (ed.), Religion, Education, Dialogue and Conflict: Perspectives on religious education research, Routledge
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Dec
A report examined the 'problematic' character of the concept of conscientious objection in relation to a range of social and moral issues.
Source: Alan Haworth (ed.), Right to Object? Conscientious objection and religious conviction, British Humanist Association
Links: Summary | BHA press release
Date: 2011-Nov
A report examined policies aimed at promoting integration, combating terrorism, and countering violent extremism in 5 European countries with significant Muslim populations – France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom. It also evaluated the role of the European Union in shaping European laws and policies related to integration and counter-radicalization.
Source: Kristin Archick, Paul Belkin, Christopher Blanchard, Carl Ek, and Derek Mix, Muslims in Europe: Promoting integration and countering extremism, Congressional Research Service (United States of America)
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Oct
An article examined the changing nature of faith-based community action in England, and consider what evidence existed as to the extent and diversity of such forms of community action.
Source: John Annette, ' Faith communities, communitarianism, social capital and youth civic engagement', Ethnicities, Volume 11 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Oct
A new book examined the treatment of cultural and religious identity (focusing on Islam) in family law in European countries.
Source: Andrea Buchler, Islamic Law in Europe? Legal pluralism and its limits in European family laws, Ashgate Publications
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Sep
A new book examined whether Britain was a 'broken' society, and proposed a new Christian agenda for social change. It called for a progressive and partnership-based approach to common challenges facing society, including: growing inequality, high levels of mental ill-being, threats to sustainability, and lack of trust in economic and political systems.
Source: John Atherton, Chris Baker, and John Reader, Christianity and the New Social Order: A manifesto for a fairer future, SPCK Publishing
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Sep
A paper examined the idea of equality from a Christian perspective. The Christian conception of equality was opposed to the 'homogenization and relativism' of 'equality culture'. There was a need to combat the trivialization of religious and ethical disagreement, and to reform the law to protect the pluralism of civil society.
Source: Julian Rivers, Uniformity or Mutuality? The new equality law in Christian perspective, Cambridge Papers Volume 20 Number 3, Jubilee Centre
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Sep
An article examined the emergence of contemporary religious fundamentalisms, and the 'curiously paradoxical' approach to religion and faith-based groupings on the part of the progressive left: the latter needed an alternative 'discourse' of egalitarianism that was unashamedly universalist and secular.
Source: Gurnam Singh and Stephen Cowden, 'Multiculturalism s new fault lines: religious fundamentalisms and public policy', Critical Social Policy, Volume 31 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Aug
An article said that it was difficult for judges in human rights cases to attach weight to the subjective importance of a person's religious or equivalent belief; and that, as a consequence, this might lead to such beliefs being easily 'trumped' by competing public goods.
Source: Peter Cumper and Tom Lewis, '"Public reason", judicial deference and the right to freedom of religion and belief under the Human Rights Act 1998', King's Law Journal, Volume 22 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Aug
An evaluation was published of a project that sought to promote better relationships between people of different faiths, those of no faith, and wider civil society.
Source: Daniel Pearmain, Faiths in Action: Final evaluation report, Community Development Foundation
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Aug
A report examined hate crimes and discrimination as experienced by Muslims. It considered the environment in which such acts might be encouraged and legitimized – including discriminatory legislation resulting in social inequality in jobs, housing, and social services; and negative media representation of Muslims.
Source: Saied Ameli, Ebrahim Mohseni Ahooei, Ehsan Shaghasemi, and Maryam Rahimpour, Getting the Message: The recurrence of hate crimes in the UK, Islamic Human Rights Commission
Links: Summary | IHRC press release
Date: 2011-Jul
A new book examined the role of religious and other beliefs in the lives of older people.
Source: Peter Coleman, Belief and Ageing: Spiritual pathways in later life, Policy Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Jul
A new book provided a comparative introduction to the laws of religion in Europe.
Source: Norman Doe, Law and Religion in Europe: A comparative introduction, Oxford University Press
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-Jul
The equality and human rights watchdog said that judges had interpreted the law too narrowly in religion or belief discrimination claims, and that the existing law was therefore insufficient to protect freedom of religion or belief. The Commission was seeking leave to intervene in four cases at the European Court of Human Rights involving religious discrimination in the workplace.
Source: Press release 11 July 2011, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: EHRC press release | EFB press release | Evangelical Alliance press release | NSS press release | Ekklesia report
Date: 2011-Jul
A study examined to what extent, and in what ways, Irish communities and Muslim communities were represented as 'suspect' in public discourse (over the period 1974-2007). It looked at the similarities and differences between the impact of media representations and counter-terrorism measures.
Source: Mary Hickman, Lyn Thomas, Sara Silvestri, and Henri Nickels, Suspect Communities ? Counter-terrorism policy, the press, and the impact on Irish and Muslim communities in Britain, Institute for the Study of European Transformations (London Metropolitan University)
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Jul
A report summarized evidence and research concerning the policy implications of state-funded faith schools.
Source: Databank of Independent Evidence on Faith Schools, Accord Coalition
Links: Report | Accord Coalition press release
Date: 2011-Jul
An article examined the views on gender relations expressed by women active in the contemporary Islamic revival movements in Europe.
Source: Jeanette Jouili, 'Beyond emancipation: subjectivities and ethics among women in Europe's Islamic revival communities', Feminist Review, Volume 98 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jul
A report for the equal rights watchdog said that people's understanding of their rights around religion or belief was not always matched by recent changes to equality law – potentially preventing people from using their rights.
Source: Paul Weller, Religious Discrimination in Britain: A review of research evidence, 2000-10, Research Report 73, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: Report | EHRC press release
Date: 2011-Jun
A report for the equal rights watchdog examined the impact of counter-terrorism measures on Muslims. Muslims felt that they were being treated as a 'suspect community', and were being targeted by the authorities simply because of their religion.
Source: Tufyal Choudhury and Helen Fenwick, The Impact of Counter-Terrorism Measures on Muslim Communities, Research Report 72, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Jun
A briefing paper presented recent statistical data on a range of issues relating to religion or belief.
Source: David Perfect, Religion or Belief, Briefing Paper 1, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: Paper
Date: 2011-Jun
A think-tank report examined the political interventions of successive Archbishops of Canterbury since 1979.
Source: Daniel Gover, Turbulent Priests? The Archbishop of Canterbury in contemporary English politics, Theos
Links: Report | Theos press release
Date: 2011-Jun
A report examined ethno-religious tensions and conflict in relation to Europe's Muslim minorities, based on five country case studies (for Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom). It considered the societal and policy landscape in these countries pertaining to 'multiculturalism' and 'assimilation'.
Source: Michael Emerson (ed.), Interculturalism: Europe and its Muslims in search of sound societal models, Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels)
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Jun
The Scottish Government published a Bill designed to crack down on sectarian and other forms of hatred, particularly in connexion with football.
Source: Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Government, TSO
Links: Bill | Explanatory notes | Policy memorandum | Scottish Government press release | Evangelical Alliance press release | Scottish Episcopal Church press release | BBC report (1) | BBC report (2) | Guardian report | Ekklesia report
Date: 2011-Jun
A new book (the second volume of two) examined the connexions between religion and welfare in 8 European societies (including England), from three perspectives – sociology, gender, and theology.
Source: Anders Backstrom, Grace Davie, Ninna Edgardh, and Per Pettersson (eds.), Welfare and Religion in 21st Century Europe – Volume 2: Gendered, Religious and Social Change, Ashgate Publications
Links: Summary
Date: 2011-May
An article examined the impact of life expectancy on religiosity. Increases in life expectancy encouraged the postponement of religious involvement, particularly in religious doctrines that did not necessarily link salvation (or afterlife benefits more broadly) to the timing of religiosity.
Source: Elissaios Papyrakis and Geethanjali Selvaretnam, 'The greying church: the impact of life expectancy on religiosity', International Journal of Social Economics, Volume 38 Issue 5
Links: Abstract | East Anglia University press release
Date: 2011-May
A new book examined the phenomenon of 'Islamophobia' and the treatment of Muslims by the media. Media hostility alienated Muslims and undermined efforts to combat extremism.
Source: Julian Petley and Robin Richardson, Pointing the Finger: Islam and Muslims in the British media, Oneworld Publications
Links: Summary | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Apr
An article examined the association between gross domestic product growth and a decline in traditional church attendance in European countries.
Source: Jochen Hirschle, 'The affluent society and its religious consequences: an empirical investigation of 20 European countries', Socio-Economic Review, Volume 9 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Apr
A new book examined issues relating to migration, integration, social cohesion, and 'Britishness'. Religion, in the form of aspects of Muslim behaviour, was becoming a boundary of Britishness at a time when significant sections of the ethnic majority displayed scepticism about multiculturalism.
Source: Tariq Modood and John Salt (eds.), Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness, Palgrave Macmillan
Links: Summary | Bristol University press release
Date: 2011-Apr
The European Commission published an overview of 19 research projects dealing with the issues of pluralism, religion, tolerance, and cultural values in European societies.
Source: Pluralism and Religious Diversity, Social Cohesion and Integration in Europe: Insights from European research, European Commission
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Mar
An article examined legal cases in the United Kingdom (and United States of America) involving alleged discrimination against workers on the grounds of personal religious beliefs.
Source: Nicholas Hatzis, 'Personal religious beliefs in the workplace: how not to define indirect discrimination', The Modern Law Review, Volume 74 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Mar
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights overturned a previous (2009) judgment that the display of crucifixes in school classrooms violated the rights of non-believing parents.
Source: Case of Lautsi and Others v Italy, European Court of Human Rights
Links: Judgement | Christian Institute press release | NSS press release | Guardian report
Date: 2011-Mar
An article examined the aims, practices, and effects of religious education in schools. There were conflicts and overlaps between religious education and other parts of the curriculum, which could lead to students being unclear about the purpose and focus of the subject.
Source: David Lundie, 'Does religious education work? An analysis of the aims, practices and models of effectiveness in religious education in the UK', British Journal of Religious Education, Volume 32 Issue 2
Links: Abstract | Glasgow University press release
Date: 2011-Mar
A report examined the experiences of Muslims living in Scotland, with a specific focus on experiences of discrimination and religious intolerance. For many of the research participants, their area of residence was a site of unpleasant encounters: most had had some experience of unfriendliness and hostility that they saw as unequivocally racist.
Source: Sara Kidd and Lynn Jamieson, Experiences of Muslims Living in Scotland, Scottish Government
Date: 2011-Mar
A paper examined situations where religious beliefs and practices affected the day-to-day operations of organizations, and the ethical challenges that might arise. It called for organizations to be sensitive to employees' beliefs and make provision for them.
Source: Simon Webley, Religious Practices in the Workplace, Occasional Paper 3, Institute of Business Ethics
Links: Paper | IBE press release
Date: 2011-Mar
A report set out a strategy for the Church of England, aimed at promoting the growth of the Church and maximizing its impact on society. Priorities included: defending the cause of 'weak and vulnerable' people in policy debates on welfare reform, immigration and asylum, and criminal justice; promoting policies to sustain and strengthen the family; increasing the number of Church's secondary schools; and encouraging wider community use of church buildings.
Source: Challenges for the New Quinquennium, Church of England
Links: Report | Telegraph report | Church Times report
Date: 2011-Feb
A study examined the attitudes, values, and experiences of sex and religion among young adults. It highlighted the challenges that young people faced in reconciling their sexuality and their religion, and their concerns about the stigmatization of religion and an increasingly 'sexualized' culture.
Source: Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip, Michael Keenan, and Sarah-Jane Page, Religion, Youth and Sexuality: Selected key findings from a multi-faith exploration, University of Nottingham
Links: Report | Nottingham University press release
Date: 2011-Feb
A report said that it was highly unlikely that the government's ambitions for a 'Big Society' could be realized without the help of faith groups. But the Church of England needed to be prepared to defend its own autonomy and help promote religious freedoms.
Source: Guy Brandon, The Big Society in Context: A means to what end?, Jubilee Trust
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Feb
The High Court ruled that a local council was entitled to prevent a Christian couple from fostering on the grounds that their anti-gay beliefs made them unsuitable for that role.
Source: R (Eunice Johns and Owen Johns) v Derby City Council, High Court 28 February 2011
Links: Judgement | BHA press release | Christian Institute press release | NSS press release | Stonewall press release | PinkNews report | Telegraph report
Date: 2011-Feb
A group of Christian organizations made recommendations aimed at eradicating poverty and social exclusion, and creating a stronger social Europe. They said that the European Commission's annual policy strategy should include a specific chapter relating to the social clause in the EU (Lisbon) treaty.
Source: Do Not Deny Justice to Your Poor People: Proposals for combating poverty and social exclusion in the European Union in the new framework of the Lisbon Treaty, Caritas Europa/Church and Society Commission of the Conference of European Churches/Secretariat of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences in the European Community/Eurodiaconia
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Jan
A paper examined the Jewish Free School case (concerning racial discrimination in the admission policy of the school) from a theoretical and international law perspective – with focus on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It considered broader issues of collective freedom of religion or belief.
Source: Merilin Kiviorg, Collective Religious Autonomy Under the European Convention on Human Rights: the UK Jewish Free School Case in International Perspective, MWP 2010/40, European University Institute (Florence)
Links: Paper
Notes: In 2009 the Supreme Court ruled that a Jewish school was guilty of race discrimination for refusing places to pupils it did not consider to be ethnically Jewish.
Date: 2011-Jan
An article examined controversies surrounding the wearing of the veil by Muslim women in Europe. The historical vestiges of discrimination in immigration and citizenship laws persisted in the scrutiny of the cultural affiliations and practices of aspiring immigrants and citizens.
Source: Siobhan Mullally, 'Civic integration, migrant women and the veil: at the limits of rights?', The Modern Law Review, Volume 74 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2011-Jan
A report examined the links between religion and prejudice in Europe. About one-half of European citizens claimed to be 'quite religious' or 'very religious', while the rest classified themselves as 'not very religious' or 'not at all religious'. In general, the more religious individuals were, the more prejudiced they were. In particular, sexism and prejudice towards homosexuals rose with religiousness. Religious people showed more anti-semitism and more negative attitudes towards Muslims: this was also true of racism based on skin colour and negative attitudes towards immigrants.
Source: Beate Kupper and Andreas Zick, Religion and Prejudice in Europe: New empirical findings, Alliance Publishing Trust
Links: Report
Date: 2011-Jan